Excellence in the EPS (Fall 2023)
Volume 1, Issue 7

From left: School Committee Chairman Mike Mangan, Superintendent William Hart, School Committee member Millie Cardello, Director of Veterans Affairs Antoine Coleman, custodian Nick Nuzzo, Webster School administrators Devon Abruzzese and Samantha Grant, School Committee member Jeanne Cristiano, and Webster School Principal Christopher Barrett.
A Huge ‘Thank You’ to Nick Nuzzo!
Custodian Makes a Generous Donation to Webster Students
“Mr. Nuzzo has been making an annual donation to our students for several years, and I couldn’t let this holiday season pass without properly thanking him,” said School Committee member Millie Cardello, a Webster grandparent who organized the event. “My thanks to the EPS and the City for joining me in recognizing this tremendous act of kindness.”
Interim Superintendent William Hart presented a formal letter of thanks to Mr. Nuzzo, while Director of Veterans Affairs Antoine Coleman presented the 16-year EPS veteran with an official citation from the City of Everett. School Committee members Mike Mangan and Jeanne Cristiano also attended the special ceremony.
“You can’t beat the combination of community and compassion, and this thoughtful and helpful donation encapsulates both,” said Mr. Hart. “It was my privilege to join the School Committee and the city in recognizing and thanking Mr. Nuzzo.”

Back row, from left: School Committee members Jeanne Cristiano, Chairman Mike Mangan, and Millie Cardello, Webster School Principal Christopher Barrett, and Interim Superintendent William Hart. Middle row, from left: Kiwanis Club of Everett President Fred Capone, Secretary Matthew Alphen, Kiwanian John Mattuchio, and Director of Veterans Affairs Antoine Coleman. In front with Webster School educators Samantha Grant and Devon Abruzzese are students Charlotte Carback, Bailey Estrada Escobar, Cameron Ramirez, Samuel Cardello, Declan Clinch, Kenneth Ferullo, and Franklin David.
The Kiwanis Has Us Covered!
Club Makes Annual Donation of Gloves and Hats

The Thanksgiving Spirit
Zonta Club Donates Gift Cards to the EPS
Thanks to the Zonta Club of Chelsea and the North Shore for donating six $50 Market Basket gift cards to deserving EPS families at the Lafayette School and Madeline English School. Zonta Club member Pam Miller made the donation on Monday, November 20, 2023, at the Administration Building on Vine Street. From left: Lafayette Principal David Brady, Madeline English Principal Theresa Tringale, Ms. Miller, and Interim Superintendent William D. Hart.From the Arts Department

Lesley Professor and Noted Artist Visits Everett High
Click HERE for more photos of Ms. Lougee’s presentation
EHS Students Immerse Themselves in Outdoor Art Exhibit
JARTS brought the exhibit to Everett’s Glendale Park through a grant award to Art Lab Everett. Ms. Mandel guided EHS students through the exhibit and helped them analyze and interpret the meanings of the sculptures, which included: "Free To Learn" by Ruth Kathryn Henry, "In Other Eyes" by Wen Hao Tien, "The Power of the Vote" by Dana Woolf, "Wishing Well" by Cicily Carew, and "Transcending Borders" by Julia Czeko. (Many students noted that "Transcending Borders" was their favorite piece.) Along the way, Ms. Mandel led a meaningful academic discourse with the students, who shared their emotions and the memories the sculptures elicit. It made for a thought-provoking discussion on what was a picturesque fall afternoon.
JArts is a Boston-based organization devoted to connecting people through the power of arts and culture, while Ms. Mandel is an artist, social entrepreneur, and public art advocate. Thanks to JArts and the Everett Art Lab for creating this engaging opportunity for our students.

Ms. Dougan’s Work Featured at Lesley University
Young Students Named Principal, Assistant Principal for the Day
The students toured the school, said hello to staff and students, and had the chance to deliver daily announcements. Juan urged his classmates to try their best on the mid-year assessments, while Lisa reminded the students to listen to their teachers. And they found time in their busy schedules to enjoy pizza for lunch. All in all, it was a great day for Juan and Lisa and the Whittier School!
Click HERE for more photos from the Whittier
Webster Extension Students Celebrate Generosity, Gratitude
Click HERE for more photos from the Webster Extension

A Starry, Starry Night
E-Club Honors EHS Athletes, Coach Schiavo
The three were among the honorees at the E-Club’s Fall Banquet, held on November 15, 2023, at Spinelli’s in Lynnfield. Zamor, the Greater Boston League’s reigning Most Valuable Player in football, was presented with the Bouvier Jeweler’s Award. Jasmine, a multi-sport athlete and one of the highest-ranked students in the Class of 2024, received a Citation of Achievement Award. Schiavo, who has won more than 300 games as the leader of the Crimson Tide softball program and is a veteran EPS teacher, also received an Achievement Award.
Tony Massarotti of 98.5 The Sports Hub was the keynote speaker. He spoke passionately about the bonding powers of sports, as well as the inspiring influence of his parents.
Interim Superintendent William Hart attended the banquet with principals David Brady and Christopher Barrett, Everett Public Schools Facilities Director Rob Moreschi, and School Committee members Millie Cardello, Jeanne Cristiano, Mike Mangan, and Jason Marcus.
Click HERE for more banquet photos and details about all of the award recipients
Powderpuff Football Photo Album
Volume 1, Issue 6
Superintendent Hart Sworn-In as Secretary of the Everett School Committee

Band Width
EHS Adds to its Honor RollCrimson Tide Earn Gold Medal Rating
Click HERE for access to a fantastic photo album of the Fall Marching Band Championships, courtesy of Sandra Cristobal.
Thanks, Mr. Coleman!
Veterans Director Talks to Whittier Eighth Graders

Grill Thrill: Burger Slider Challenge
A Showcase for Culinary Arts Students
The event was developed by Tim Foley, the Vice President of the Epicurean Club of Boston, and his colleagues at Schweid & Sons, a family-owned purveyor of high-quality ground beef. That combination, coupled with the skills and enthusiasm of the EHS students, made for a night of great flavor, creativity, and fun.
The winning burger was conceived and cooked by the team of Julia Azevedo, Jay Pineda Granados, Evily Andrade, and Derek Carreiro. The JJED Burger with Brazilian potato salad. The JJED Burger — named as such because it includes the first letter of the first name of the four team members — featured mozzarella cheese, herb aioli with crisp chopped bacon, red leaf lettuce, sliced tomato, and caramelized shallots, and batata palha (fried straw potato crisps). The burgers were judged on taste, creativity, ingredients, and presentation.
Special thanks to our distinguished guest judges: Chef Tony Le, CEC; Chef Joseph Allison, CEC, AAC; and Steve Lawrence. Chef Le is the Executive Chef at The Country Club in Brookline and the 2023 ACF National Executive Chef. Chef Allison is an instructor at Nashua Community College and the Executive Chef at the Nashua Country Club. Mr. Lawrence is the Business Development Manager for Cargill, a food and agriculture leader that serves customers and communities in 70 countries and regions.

Better Together!
Liaisons and Parents Attend Family-School Partnership Summit
Ms. Velez appeared on workshop panel entitled, “The Wonderful World of Our Family Liaisons.” Fittingly, EPS Family Liaisons Iris Monge, David Capera Sanchez, and Monica O'Brien were on hand for the discussion. Eliot Family Resource Center Director Liliana Patino was also in attendance. And, for the first time, the district provided transportation to and from the event for EPS parents Maria Tejeda, Gladys Avila, Yarenis De Leon, Vilma Aguirre, and Juana Merino.

Ray Raja Delivers an Inspirational Presentation
Ray immigrated to the US from Pakistan at the age of 16 and quickly discovered a passion for art. Ray discussed their work in fiber arts, animation, sculpture, performance art, and painting. Students immediately recognized Ray's fashion design work, adding to the energy and engagement of the presentation. Following the talk, Ray responded to questions and comments from students about being an artist, entrepreneur, as well as various materials and processes.
Additionally, Ray talked to the EHS students who are enrolled in the Massachusetts College of Art and Design's Saturday Studios Youth Program via scholarships available through a partnership between EHS and the college.
Pictured above (top right) are Art Coordinator Caroline DiCicco, artist Ray Raja, and EHS art teacher Josephine Dougan, who helped two students register for scholarships to the Saturday Studios program.

Students Complete Pumpkin Book Reports
Volume 1, Issue 5

Fiber Optics!
Fashion Designer JMag Presents to EHS Art Students
A Web of Opportunities
CTE Program Partners with BJK Productions
Students in Everett High’s CTE Programming and Web Development Pathway have secured internships at BKJ Productions in Stoneham. The student interns will shadow BJK professionals and help design websites for the company's business clients. The eventual goal is for the students to earn permanent part-time jobs. This marks the first formal internship for the CTE Programming and Web Development program!

Full Immersion
STEM Students Take Field Trip to UMass-Lowell
Accompanied by Dr. Seiders and Dr. Backlund, the students toured eight engineering labs: Civil and Environmental; the Lin Makerspace; Plastics; Mechanical; Industrial; Biomedical; Electrical and Computer; and Chemical. Each stop included a presentation by a UML professor and a hands-on activity for the EHS students.
Two UML students led the tour, including 2019 EHS graduate Michelina Tumblin, a current graduate student in Mechanical Engineering (she is pictured above, far left).
Overall, it was an incredibly engaging experience and inspired the students to consider pursuing opportunities in these engineering pathways. Thanks to UML and Dr. Seiders and Dr. Backlund for creating this opportunity for our students.
Photo Album: EHS STEM Field Trip to UMass-Lowell
Theme Building
Madeline English School Teachers participated in a range of spirit days during the week of October 23rd. They wore red in honor of Brandon Conde Day and pink to raise breast cancer awareness, and they ended the week with faBOOlous Friday in a nod to Halloween.
Brandon Conde Day
Parlin School students and staff are pictured in red on Brandon Conde Day, which is held annually in Everett on October 24th. Brandon, an Everett resident and EHS graduate, was tragically paralyzed from a fall from a second-story window. The accident injured his spinal cord, leaving him with limited movements in his arms and hands. Thanks to the City of Everett for promoting and maintaining this annual tradition and to EPS staff for embracing the spirit of the day.
On Friday, October 27, 2023, Webster Extension students wore orange in celebration of acceptance. Parents and teachers have been working with students on learning the importance of acceptance and embracing everyone for who they are!
Photo Album: Webster Extension Celebrates Acceptance
Volume 1, Issue 4

The Center of an Important Discussion
Martin Delivers a Presentation at MassCUE Fall Conference
Everett Public Schools (EPS) Academic Program Intern Gianna Martin took center stage at the MassCUE Fall Conference, giving a presentation about the district’s use of educational technology to deliver high-quality instruction.
The conference, held in partnership with the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, took place on Thursday, October 19th at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro. Displaying confidence and command, Martin discussed the grant entitled, “Building Capacity for High-Quality Instruction Through Ed Tech.” In addition to a contingent from the EPS, school leaders from across the state, educational professionals, and representatives from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education were on hand for Martin’s presentation.
Martin, an Everett High School graduate, is an integral member of the EPS Curriculum and Instruction team. During the 2022-2023 school year, she helped facilitate professional development for teachers and students, collaborated with educators to make technology more relevant and accessible, and helped the district fully utilize existing platforms, as opposed to investing in expensive new products that might not be easily scaffolded for EL students and students on IEPs.
“As we think about supporting students' academic growth and achievement, we must recognize all tools that may pose barriers,” Martin said. “In other words, students' voices in Ed Tech decisions matter. We are so proud to have launched this work and we are excited about expanding our efforts in 2024 and beyond.”
MassCUE is the Commonwealth’s leading organization for educators with a passion for digital teaching and learning. It boasts more than 800 active members, 14 corporate partners, and more than 125 corporate members. Its Annual Fall Conference is the premier education technology conference in New England. MassCUE is the Massachusetts affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
Building Capacity Through EdTech is a federally funded, competitive grant program that helps districts adopt or expand capacity-building programming that builds the collective expertise of educators to utilize technology to deliver high-quality instruction. It focuses on:
- Culturally and linguistically sustaining practices
- Skillful implementation of high-quality instructional materials
- Implementing academic supports and interventions that provide all students, particularly students with disabilities and English learners, equitable access to grade-appropriate instruction
- Engaging students in Deeper Learning through grade-level work that is relevant, real-world, and interactive, and allows them to demonstrate mastery, identity, and creativity.
“As digital equity was the theme of this year’s conference, Gianna was ideally suited to present on the work we are doing in this critical area,” said Superintendent Priya Tahiliani. “She has been at the center of our efforts to maximize the Building Capacity for High-Quality Instruction Through EdTech Grant, and she did a fantastic job of describing our successes in a high-visibility setting.”
GIanna Martin delivers her presentation inside Gillette Stadium.

Staff applaud Lisa Grana on her last day as a member of the Everett Public Schools.
Celebrating Lisa Grana
31-Year Veteran Retires from the EPS
After 31 years of employment with the Everett Public Schools, Mrs. Lisa Grana retired on Friday, October 20th. Ms. Grana, who joined the district in 1992, is the longtime Administrative Assistant at the Whittier School.
Whittier staff and students celebrated Ms. Grana in various ways throughout the day on October 20th, culminating in a grand exit in which the entire school gathered in front of the building to wish her a fond farewell.
Principal Michael McLucas and Assistant Principal Cara Fidalgo also hung a “Grana Way” sign above a doorway inside the building's central office — a nod to the countless steps she has taken inside the Whittier School.
Please join us in wishing Ms. Grana congratulations and best wishes as she begins the next chapter of her life.
Link to more photos below.

Tractor Trailer Dedication
Thanks to State Senator Sal DiDomenico, the Everett High School Music Department is now the proud owner of a tractor trailer adorned with Crimson and gold, one that will allow the band and other groups to travel to competitions in style and convenience.
Senator DiDomenico joined Music Coordinator Eugene O’Brien and members of the Crimson Tide Marching Band and Junior Tide Band for a special dedication ceremony on Friday, October 13th at Veterans Memorial Stadium. The Senator, a band parent and the husband of EPS educator Tricia DiDomenico, talked passionately about his dedication to, and appreciation for, Everett High’s musicians.
DiDomenico said his advocacy for a tractor trailer began when he traveled with the Percussion Ensemble for the Winter Guard International World Championships in Dayton, Ohio — where schools from around the nation boast trucks that can easily transport large amounts of equipment. That spurred him to secure the funding from the Commonwealth to purchase the vehicle, freeing the Music Dept. from having to rent trucks for road trips.
The beautiful design on the sides of the trailer and the tractor doors were designed by EHS Music Educator Mark Sachetta.
Thanks to Senator DiDomenico and the Music Department for their dedication to our students.
Link to more photos below.

Kiwanis Football Luncheon
Thanks to the Everett and Malden Kiwanis Clubs for hosting its annual luncheon for senior football players and cheerleaders from the Crimson TIde and Golden Tornadoes. The luncheon was held on Thursday, October 19th at Anthony’s of Malden — just hours before Everett and Malden renewed their century-old rivalry at Macdonald Stadium. EHS has won six straight games since falling to Xaverian in the season opener. The Crimson Tide will hold Senior Night festivities on Friday, October 27th prior to their 6 p.m. kickoff vs. Lynn Classical.
Our Album Collection
Photos from District Events
EHS Band Tractor Trailer Dedication
Whittier School Celebrates Lisa Grana
Friday Night Lights: October 13th
Volume 1, Issue 3

State Rep Chelsea Judith Garcia, Jeanette Velez, Founder & CEO of
Latinos for Education Amanda Fernandez, and State Senator Sal DiDomenico
Velez Recognized by Latinos for Education
Congratulations to EPS Community Engagement Manager Jeanette Velez for receiving the 2023 Exceptional Latino Educator Award during a special ceremony earlier this month. This awards program is overseen by the national organization Latinos for Education, a coalition of Latino education leaders committed to increasing access to equitable pathways for Latino children.
Ms. Velez oversees the EPS Parent Information Center, where she serves as a steadfast advocate for families. She is integral in helping ensure that district events are inclusive and welcoming. She is a driving force in our family outreach efforts. And she is a welcome presence at district-wide and school events.
Ms. Velez has been a leader in bringing free classes and programs to parents and guardians, including Tech Goes Home, language classes, and parenting courses. For example, last school year she organized the district’s first-ever Resource Fair, featuring an array of community-based organizations and service providers.
“I am very proud of the fact that an EPS staff member has been recognized by Latinos for Education every year since I came to Everett,” said Superintendent Priya Tahiliani. “Certainly, Ms. Velez is a more than deserving recipient. She is an invaluable member of our leadership team, someone whose work regularly goes above and beyond her considerable daily responsibilities.”
Spencer Named to DESE Advisory Cabinet
Congratulations to Keverian School Assistant Principal Keith Spencer for being selected to join the 2023-24 Principal and Teacher Advisory Cabinet.
The cabinet is a Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) initiative. It will meet throughout the year to help develop new policies and resources, with a focus on re-developing the Communication and Literacy MTEL — an exam that all educators are required to pass, regardless of their subject area and/or grade level. The cabinet also convenes "to recognize excellent educators, elevate teacher and principal voices at the state level, and provide opportunities for leadership."
“DESE is very lucky that Mr. Spencer has joined this effort,” said Superintendent Priya Tahiliani. “He is a highly-skilled educator, one who will bring a keen eye for equity and a flair for creativity to his post on the cabinet.”
Flores Named Patriots Coach of the Week
FROM PATRIOTS.COM — Justin Flores, first year head coach of Everett High School's football program, was named the New England Patriots Coach of the Week following an exciting 35-34 victory over BC High on September 29th.In a game characterized by nail-biting moments, BC High initially seized a 14-0 lead during the first half. However, Everett mounted a comeback, scoring 15 unanswered points and shifting the momentum in their favor. The second half of the game featured a total of 47 points and five lead changes. In the final minutes of the game, Everett executed a 65-yard drive. With three seconds remaining on the clock, Everett quarterback Carlos Rodrigues delivered a fade pass to Jaysaun Coggins in the corner of the end zone, resulting in a game-tying touchdown.
The thrilling climax was sealed by kicker Adoni Santos, whose successful extra-point kick secured the 35-34 victory for Everett High School.Andre Tippett, NFL Hall of Fame linebacker who currently serves as the Executive Director of Community Affairs for the New England Patriots, met with the Everett Crimson Tide earlier this month. During the meeting, he presented the football program with a generous $1,000 donation on behalf of the Kraft family and the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation. This contribution was made in honor of Coach Flores outstanding work.
"Justin Flores' team proves that hard work, dedication, and teamwork can overcome any obstacle." Tippett said. "Their victory in the marquee game isn't just about the score on the board; it's a testament to the character and heart of each and every one of his players."
With a record of 5-1 already under his belt, Coach Flores is proving to be a remarkable addition to the Everett High School community, bringing with him a winning mentality and dedication that has earned him the recognition of the New England Patriots.The visit and donation presentation was showcased on the Patriots' weekly television program, "Patriots All Access." This recognition and support highlight the Patriots' commitment to community involvement and celebrating exceptional individuals like Coach Flores.

In the Community
A contingent from the Everett Public Schools attended the Joint Committee for Children’s Health Care in Everett (JCCHCE) fundraiser on Thursday, October 12th at Anthony’s of Malden. From left: School Committee Chairman Mike Mangan, ,Superintendent Priya Tahiliani, Liliana Patino of Eliot Community Resources, and School Committee members Jeanne Cristiano, Samantha Lambert, and Millie Cardello. Thanks to everyone who made the fundraiser a big success, including keynote speaker Senator Sal DiDomenico.
Thanks to the English Learners Department for organizing last week’s successful Fall Family Night at the Lafayette School. Director of English Learners Genevieve McDonough (front) is pictured with EL Coordinators, from left, Chelsea McNiff, Alyssa Allen, Rachel Miller, Genevieve McDonough, Olivia Cifrino, Elizabeth Slattery, and Melissa Jarem.
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Thanks to Everett High School’s carpentry students for making this new ticket stand, which is being utilized on the Spring Street entrance to Veterans Memorial Stadium. The stand has plenty of room for programs, tickets, a cash register, etc. It will eventually be decorated with the Everett High ‘E.’
Our Album Collection
Photos from District Events
English Learner Fall Family Night
Keverian School Fall Festival
Lafayette School Fall Festival
Webster Extension Fall Festival
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Volume 1, Issue 2
National Custodian Day: Oct. 2, 2023
Thank You to the Entire EPS Custodial Team!

Keverian School Custodians, from left: Luis Sanchez, Mike Botte,
Marquiss Giddens, and Jayme Davies

Whittier School Custodians, from left: Steven Bohn, Joseph Dunbrack,
Jonathan Long, and Blue Milo.
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Back row, from left: Parlin Principal Nancy Sutera, MPCU Everett Branch Manager Chris Ross, MPCU Marketing Administrator Leo Lemus, EPS Assistant Superintendent Kevin Shaw, Parlin teacher Stacy Schiavo, and Parlin School Assistant Principals Paolo Lambresa and Samantha Bean. Front row, from left, are Parlin students Deysi Blanco Suchite(Grade 8), Anh Nguyen (7), Sophia Aviles (4), Victoria Narajo Tamayo (K), Aldo Zion Rauda (3), Jeremy Rivas (1), Asia Oliver (2), Mariana Ferreira Prates (6), and Samuella Botchway (5).
MPCU Makes a Generous Donation
to the Parlin School
"So many students in the communities we serve are in need and without the necessary school supplies" stated MPCU Everett Branch Manager Chris Ross. "We are happy to provide this essential support to EPS students.”
Thanks to the Parlin leadership team and teacher Stacy Schiavo for organizing Monday’s donation, in which one student from every grade in the school was on hand to help mark the occasion.
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Photos: Nickels, Dimes, and Dollars
Priceless Information for Students
Whittier School teacher Elizabeth Denish welcomed representatives from Equitable to her 3rd grade class for a presentation on financial literacy. Equitable team members Marc Foley, Kim Manning and Gabriella Tashjian distributed the book, "Nickels, Dimes and Dollars: A Wise Kid's Guide to Money Matters" by Ellen Sabin. Students engaged in a discussion, shared insight, and gave feedback on this important topic. A big "Thank You!" to Equitable for facilitating this informative lesson and the book donation.
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Homecoming ‘24
Volume 1, Issue 1
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023
Keverian School Assistant Principal Janet Taylor
Taylor Earns Statewide Recognition
- The ability to reflect on her work and use anti-racist and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices
- Exceptional educational talent as evidenced by effective, innovative, and culturally responsive instructional practices that promote deeper learning
- Exemplary educational accomplishments and leadership beyond the classroom that provide models of excellence for the profession
- Contributions to education that are largely unheralded yet worthy of the spotlight
- Strong long-range potential for professional and policy leadership
- An engaging and inspiring presence that motivates and impacts students, colleagues, and the community
Taylor works with Keverian Principal Alex Naumann and her co-Assistant Principal, Keith Spencer, who wrote a passionate and detailed nomination on her behalf. Specifically, Taylor was recognized for the critical role she plays in facilitating effective literacy and math instructional practices, expanding the school’s use of multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) across all grade levels, and skilfully utilizing data to boost student achievement. These efforts are improving student outcomes at the Keverian, based on the results of the formative iReady assessments that were administered during the 2022-23 school year:
- During 2022-2023, the median percent progress towards Typical Growth in ELA was 117 percent. In year-end testing, 40 percent of students school-wide were on grade level, up from 19% at the start of the year.
- In math, the median percent progress towards Typical Growth was 131 percent. And year-end testing showed that 39 percent of students school-wide were on grade level, up from 10% at the start of the year.
Taylor’s impact is not limited to the Keverian. Over the last two years, the district has added a second Assistant Principal at its five K-8 schools, and she has been instrumental in providing guidance and advice to her new colleagues. From classroom practices to systems management to developing protocols, Taylor is an expert in all aspects of building management. Instructionally, Taylor has been a positive influence on the implementation of culturally-responsive practices and rigorous instruction. In an interview on Ms. Taylor’s behalf, Superintendent Priya Tahiliani stated, “DESE would be incredibly fortunate to utilize Ms. Taylor’s expertise, just as our students and staff do each and every day,” said Superintendent Priya Tahiliani. “Ms. Taylor epitomizes everything a district could want and need in a building leader.”
In addition, Mr. Spencer highlighted the following in his nomination:
“Mrs. Taylor has been instrumental in the development and implementation of our Common Planning sessions. Over the last several years, she created a schedule ensuring that all Keverian teachers have a 45-minute common planning time block every five days. She then created a yearly calendar of CPT topics to be addressed, developed norms and running agendas, and provided mentorship to me as I began running the meetings for grades 5 to 8. She also designed and implemented data meetings to leverage all of the information available to staff, not to mention the skill and passion of our teachers.”
“Mrs. Taylor has played a vital role in developing our intervention model and team. Feedback from staff showed student learning and growth was a direct result of this system as well as Mrs. Taylor's support of other academic and instructional programming being implemented to increase rigor, align to standards, and provide equitable access to all learners.”
A Global Influence
Ms. Nathalie Rigaud, Miss Global Haiti 2023 and a celebrated digital artist, presented to Everett High School digital media classes on September 20th. Ms. Riguad discussed her artwork and her personal and professional journey. Thanks to the EHS Art Department for planning this engaging event for our students.
Theater Students Visit the ART
Everett High School theater students had the chance to attend a special performance of “The Half-God of Rainfall” at the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge. The play fuses Greek mythology into a story centered around Demi—half Greek god, half Nigerian mortal whose basketball skills take him all the way to the NBA. Thanks to the EPS Arts Department for planning this exciting field trip for our students.Pinwheels for Peace adorn the Keverian School’s front lawn.
Photo Album: Pinwheels for Peace
The Keverian School Stands for Peace
Never has the world needed peace more, and the George Keverian School is proud of its participation in the “Pinwheels for Peace” initiative during the week of September 19th. This international art and literacy project to honor the United Nations International Day of Peace brought together the entire school to “plant” pinwheels with messages and images of peace on the school’s front lawn on Nichols Street.
“Peace is love for ourselves and love for each other. It is a relentless lesson in life, and our work is never done,” Keverian art teacher and Pinwheels for Peace project coordinator Diana Garigliano said.
“Keverian kids displayed so much affection and excitement towards our Peace project,” Garigliano said. “They embodied love for themselves, each other, and the arts. This collaborative installation gave us a voice to celebrate teamwork and have creative Knights unite!”
Pinwheels for Peace is an art installation project started in 2005 as a way for students to express their feelings about what’s going on in the world and in their lives. In 2019, over 4.5 million pinwheels in over 3,500 locations participated. This non-political project doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with a specific conflict or war.
Peace is a state of calm and serenity with no anxiety. It is the absence of violence, and is a freedom from conflict or disagreement. At the Keverian School, students and staff stand up to intolerance in their lives, and hope to further develop their own peace of mind through social emotional learning lessons and activities each day.
“Not only does this bring something beautiful to our neighborhood,” Assistant Principal Keith Spencer adds, “but also challenges us to stand up for harmony and understanding. Their artwork reminds us that art has the potential to bridge divides, spark conversations, and unite us in our shared appreciation for the power of creativity."
Click HERE for more information about the UN International Day of Peace.
The Elks and the EPS
A big “Thanks” to the Saugus Everett Elks for the very generous donation it made to the Madeline English School. Elks members Christine Hyde and Brenda Perry personally delivered 100 backpacks filled with school supplies to the Maddy on Monday, September 11th. On behalf of the Principal Theresa Tringale and Assistant Principal Tiffany Boyake, our thanks to the Elks for its continued support of the EPS and our students.
EPS Receives Major SALT Grant
The EPS is thrilled to announce that it has received a significant state grant to implement year-round after-school and summer programming for Lafayette School 5-8 graders. The district was awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Center’s SALT Grant in the amount of $180,000. SALT stands for Supporting Additional Learning Time. It will be immensely helpful in the district’s efforts to create Out of School Time (OST) opportunities for middle school students.
The purpose of this federally funded competitive grant program is to support the implementation of academically enriching programming during Out-of-School Time (OST) and/or Expanded Learning Time (ELT — a longer school day/year for all students) that increases student engagement and contributes to a well-rounded education.
Manager of Extended Learning Heather McCormack is leading the effort to implement the grant to offer extracurricular opportunities to Lafayette middle school students.
“Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to secure this funding,” said Superintendent Priya Tahiliani. “This will allow us to build on the programming we have already started during before- and after-school hours, during school vacations, and over the summer.