Excellence in the EPS » June 17, 2024

June 17, 2024

High school actors, on stage, in a formation, during a singing and dancing number

EHS Theatre Company Production

Graduation caps with messages on top GRADUATION CEREMONY
EHS Class of 2024
Two students seated at a table, painting
Collaborative Art Project
Parlin School Eighth Graders Work with Kindergartners
Parlin School eighth graders worked with kindergartners on a collaborative art project that will be incorporated into this year’s Moving On Ceremony. Led by art teacher Mrs. Lyndsay Thanawitsuk, the students used handprints to create colorful floral paintings. The Parlin School 8th Grade Moving On Ceremony is scheduled for Friday, June 14, 204, at 10:30 a.m.
A student standing at a three-sided poster board

Whittier School MyCAP Showcase

Initiative Promotes Authentic Postsecondary Planning
The Whittier School held a MyCAP showcase on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, giving eighth graders the chance to share their plans for high school and beyond. MyCAP stands for My Career and Academic Plan. It was developed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to engage students in authentic postsecondary planning through a continuum of learning focused on the individual student's interests, skills and talents. The process allows students to be the drivers of their education, and it empowers them to connect their courses with career interests, to seek out career development opportunities such as internships, apprenticeships, capstone projects, and to identify the personal, social, and behavioral skills needed to be successful in the workplace.  

The Whittier School showcase was reminiscent of a science fair. Students used three-panel posterboards to outline their academic and career plans and aspirations. The eighth graders who are headed to Everett High School will continue their MyCAP work, which culminates with a senior capstone project.
Large group photo, students in Pink t-shirts at a 5K road race
Girls on the Run
EPS Students Participate in Girls on the Run 5K
A large contingent of Everett Public Schools (EPS) students participated in the annual Girls on the Run 5K on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at Suffolk Downs. Sixty Grade 3-5 students from the Madeline English, Keverian, and Lafayette schools represented the EPS at the 5K. The students are members of Girls on the Run clubs, one of several free enrichment programs offered through the district’s Department of Extended Learning.

Girls on the Run is a non-profit organization that inspires students “to recognize their inner strength, increase their level of physical activity, imagine their possibilities, and confidently stand up for themselves and others." The annual 5K race is an opportunity for students across the state to "compete with themselves" by pushing themselves beyond their comfort zones to learn what they are capable of! EPS is now in our second year partnering with Girls on the Run, and we are looking forward to continuing the relationship … for the long run!
Students, parents, and staff, standing and smiling, group photo
The Perks of Being an EHS Employee
Life Skills Coffee Shop a Huge Success 
Students in Everett High School’s Life Skills Program held a Coffee Shop Social on Friday, June 7, 2024. Teacher Brendan Callahan organized and hosted the event, which gave students the chance to celebrate their hard work and success during the 2023-2024 school year. They were joined by relatives, teachers and administrators, and the student members of the Kiwanis Key Club. The Life Skills students ran a coffee shop on 24 Fridays during the year. They took pre-orders during the week and delivered coffee and bagels in person every Friday, quickly establishing a routine that became a popular part of Everett High School’s weekly schedule. The students were recognized with Employee of the Week and Employee Recognition Awards for providing a quality service to school faculty and staff.
An author sitting and signing a book for a man standing at a table

2024 Pride Flag Raising
Music and Inspirational Speeches Mark Annual Event

Everet High School (EHS) held its annual Pride Flag Raising on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Planned by teacher Sean Salazar and the students and advisors in the Gender Sexual Alliance Club, this year’s ceremony featured performances by the EHS Choir, a solo by Eva Pappas, a duet by Pappas and Rebecca Louine, and student speeches by Anthony Masucci and Tianna Allen. Interim Superintendent Gretchen Manning delivered a welcome message from Central Administration, while the keynote address was given by Federico Erebia, the author of the acclaimed book “Pedro & Daniel.” Above, Mr. Erebia signs a copy of “Pedro & Daniel” for EHS Principal Dennis Lynch.