2023-2024 Staff Newsletters » May 24, 2004

May 24, 2004

VOL. 3, ISSUE 28

Last Day of School Reminder
Grades 1-11: Monday, June 17, 2024

This is a half day for students, a full day for teachers

A woman holder her baby daughter,

Jeans Day Fundraiser

For Whittier School Teacher Lauren Reid
The Everett Public Schools will hold a Jeans Day Fundraiser on Friday, May 31, 2024, for Whittier School first-grade teacher Lauren Reid. Ms. Reid recently gave birth to her beautiful daughter, Sophie, who has required extensive, specialized medical care. Please consider supporting Ms. Reid and her family as they provide the costly medical care that Sophie needs. Please make your $5 donation to your building’s Administrative Assistant on May 31st, and all final contributions should be forwarded to the Whittier School.
The EPS Scene
Photos from Around the District

Five educators standing and smiling, all wearing graduation regalia
CAREER ADVANCEMENT — The first cohort of Everett Public Schools (EPS) educators to participate in a district-sponsored partnership with Salem State University received CAGS certification on Saturday, May 18, 2024. The EPS pays for 50-percent of the tuition to the Salem State program. Everett’s first cohort graduated on the 18th, a second group is halfway through the program, and a third group will begin their coursework in the fall. CAGs stands for Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies, and it is especially useful for teachers who are interested in building- and district-wide leadership positions. 

Above, from left: Tenzin Lhadon, Stephanie Kretas, Anastasia Kolokithas, Melissa Jarem, and Caitlyn Dooley. Not pictured are: Maria Boustris, Oswaldo Constanza, Jaclyn Ciccone, Rupi Kaur, Joseph Lento, Audra Lessard, Shane McNally, Marena MacLaughlin, and Randy Willis. 


Group of educators, wearing pink to raise breast cancer awareness
Four educators wearing pink T-shirts to raise awareness for breast cancer awareness
FROM THE WEBSTER SCHOOL — On Friday, May 17, 2024, teachers and staff held a PINK Day in honor of a former Webster School teacher who is battling breast cancer. The Webster community has raised more than $2,000 to help their colleague as part of this generous and compassionate effort.
large group photo, students, teachers, administrators, and school committee members
REMOTE LEARNING — Thanks to STEM Club Advisors Dr. Anna Seiders and Dr. Christopher Backlund for bringing their students to the May 20, 2024, School Committee meeting to discuss their success in this year’s Ten80 Student Racing Competition and the Ten80 Automated Vehicle Competition. Everett’s two STEM remote-control racing teams finished in the top 10 overall standings at the annual competition, which was held this year at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. EHS received first- and second-place honors in the Graphic Design and Robotics categories, respectively.
large group photo, students, teachers, administrators, and school committee members

 The Everett School Committee recognized the Everett High School Percussion Ensemble during its Regular Meeting on May 20, 2024. The Crimson Tide finished 9th at the 2024 WGI World Championships in Dayton, Ohio. The Crimson Tide advanced through the preliminary and semifinal rounds before posting a score of 89.238 in the final round of the Scholastic A Division. Thanks to Music Coordinator Gene O’Brien, Percussion Director Mark Sachetta, and the EHS musicians for joining us at the May 20th School Committee meeting.
Four adults standing and smiling, posed photo
LIFTS Program Resumes in September
EPS Continues its Partnership with Lesley University
The EPS is continuing its partnership with the Lesley Institute for Trauma Sensitivity (LIFTS) for the 2024-2025 school year. We are looking for educators to fill out a 25-person cohort to complete graduate courses focused on the impact of trauma on learning. Participants who complete all four courses will earn a Graduate Certificate in Trauma and Learning from Lesley University. With sufficient interest, the program will begin in September of 2024. 

Each course is worth three (3) graduate credits. With generous funding from the Oak Foundation, Lesley University, and Everett Public Schools, the cost per course for each participant is $250 upon registration, making the total out-of-pocket cost $1,000 per person for the graduate certificate. Each course runs for eight weeks and include five live Zoom sessions and three self-guided sessions. Courses 1 and 2 will be offered from September-December, and courses 3 and 4 are offered January-May. Courses are designed to be taken one at a time, in order. 

If you’re interested in participating in this series, please respond to Brian Wallace. Further details around course dates and instructions for registration and course access will be provided upon registration. For more information on LIFTS, check out the website and the LIFTS Community Hub. 

The Impact of Trauma on Learning: An Overview: An examination of the impact of traumatic experience on student learning (both academic and social/emotional) and provides a structured approach to individual and school wide interventions. The biological, environmental, and sociocultural aspects of traumatic experience will be presented, and participants will analyze the effects of their work with students impacted by trauma on their own well-being (secondary trauma). 

The Impact of Trauma on Learning: Classroom and Student Supports: Trauma affects self-regulation, social skills and a child’s sense of health and well-being, along with interfering with more traditional academic skills that require language, memory and executive function. This course will address ways to promote these non-academic and academic competencies for students impacted by trauma, including which competencies can be incorporated into the learning flow (as they benefit all children) and which are best taught with an individual support plan. (Prerequisite: Course 1) 

The Impact of Trauma on Learning: Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools: This course is designed to expand knowledge of trauma, its impacts, and the process for building trauma sensitive environments through examination of the underlying change theory, processes, and tools needed to establish trauma sensitivity. Participants demonstrate their understanding by either developing a plan for guiding the creation of a trauma-sensitive school or conducting research grounded in trauma-informed inquiry. (Prerequisites: Courses 1 & 2) 

The Impact of Trauma on Learning - Action Research and Seminar: Students demonstrate their understanding of the attributes of trauma-sensitivity by working together to design and conduct research that assesses the outcomes of efforts to improve trauma-sensitivity in classrooms, schools, or other learning environments. (Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2, & 3)

Opportunities for our Educators
MTEL Coaching Workshop: Summer of 2024

Flier with a chalkboard background and clip art of learning supplies